Specialist dietary insights
PetExx pride ourselves on providing supplements for cats and dogs combining science with a love of animals to help pet parents everywhere.
We work with highly-respected experts in nutrition to ensure we are at the forefront of the effort to keep your companion fit, healthy, and living their best life.
Kathy and her rescue chihuahua Lily use our Stress Less product. Lilly is very nervous & reactive…
“She is very scared of feet, gloves and being in busy places”.
They have now used stress less before two socialisation training classes and even enjoyed going for a pub lunch.
Mobility Boost
Petexx Mobility Boost is packed with the essential ingredients green-lipped mussel, turmeric, glucosamine, essential fatty acids (EFA’s) & MSM all proven to soothe stiff joints and maintain joint comfort; keeping your pet healthy and happy. It’s recommended for older dogs who may need a helping hand.
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